
HRSA Webinar- Improving Pediatric Mental Health Care Access

Mar 31 2021
1p EST

The Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) Office of Regional Operations is collaborating with the Maternal and Child Health Bureau to invite you to a free webinar panel discussion on how HRSA Region 1 and 3 award recipients are improving Pediatric Mental Health Care Access.

The Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) Office of Regional Operations is collaborating with the Maternal and Child Health Bureau to invite you to a free webinar panel discussion on how HRSA Region 1 and 3 award recipients are improving Pediatric Mental Health Care Access.

Learning Objectives:
-Learn award recipients’ successful techniques to increase primary care awareness of and enrollment in the Pediatric Mental Health Care program
-Identify best practices for engaging primary care providers to implement pediatric behavioral health screenings into regular pediatric primary care visits
-Discuss strategies award recipients have found successful to increase cohesion between primary care providers and state or regional pediatric mental health care access teams.
-Gain further insight into challenges that families face (via feedback from families to award recipients) to connect their children with the right behavioral health providers for positive outcomes

Panel Speakers:
Sarah Hagin, PhD, Pediatric Psychiatry Resource Network (PediPRN) Program Manager | Bradley Hospital
Joseph Hughes, MBA, Project Manager | Delaware Child Psychiatry Access Program (DCPAP)
Devan Quinn, MPP, Project Director | University of New Hampshire Institute for Health Policy and Practice
Madhavi Reddy, MSPH Senior Policy Analyst | HRSA
Kelly Dawson Hughes, MPH, Public Health Analyst | HRSA
Erica Tenney, MS, Program Coordinator | New Hampshire Mental Health Care Access in Pediatrics (NH MCAP) Division of NH DHHS Division of Public Health Services
Mindy Webb LCSW, Behavioral Health Care Coordinator | Delaware Child Psychiatry Access Program (DCPAP)
Webinar Facilitators:
CAPT Chris Bersani, PsyD, ABPP, Deputy Regional Administrator, Health Resources and Services Administration Office of Regional Operations, Region 1 Boston, Massachusetts
Mariah LeStage, BUSPH MPH Candidate, Practicum Student at HRSA ORO