
USDA Distance Learning & Telemedicine FY2021 Webinar #1

Apr 14 2021

The 2021 Distance Learning and Telemedicine (DLT) Grant Program Application Window is now Open! The Rural Utilities Service (RUS) will host two webinars focused on the FY2021 application window for the Distance Learning and Telemedicine (DLT) Grant Program. Join Webinar #1.

These webinars will inform participants about the changes in the program from the previous FY application windows, review major eligibility and regulatory requirements of the program, and provide guidance on how to submit a successful grant application. There will also be time for participants to ask specific questions about the program or the application process.

Time: 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM EST

More information about the DLT Grant Program is available on the USDA RD website:

Questions? Contact the RUS at or call (202) 720-0800 with any questions.