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Events Vermont Emergency Telepsychiatry Network: Lessons Learned from 2 years of Progress
Vermont Emergency Telepsychiatry Network: Lessons Learned from 2 years of Progress
Mar 21, 2024
11:00am PT/time>
The Vermont Emergency Telepsychiatry Network is a statewide system established in 2023 to help emergency departments provide timely psychiatric care via telehealth for individuals with mental health needs. This session will share lessons learned from the state wide initiative; including one hospital's receipt of telehealth consultations from a private psychiatric hospital's child psychiatrists and another hospital's establishment of an after-hours emergency telepsychiatry service from a national vendor.
The Vermont Emergency Telepsychiatry Network is a statewide system established in 2023 to help emergency departments provide timely psychiatric care via telehealth for individuals with mental health needs. This session will share lessons learned from the state wide initiative; including one hospital's receipt of telehealth consultations from a private psychiatric hospital's child psychiatrists and another hospital's establishment of an after-hours emergency telepsychiatry service from a national vendor.
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